Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dirty Laundry

So remember how Frau Hartl hangs our laundry out the window to dry? Well she still does and every Monday and Tuesday you'll see flags of underwear or jeans depending on what time of day you walk by.

Anyway, Mika came home yesterday and strolled into the dining room/living room to pick up her clothing piles from the couch. A pair of her jeans fell off the pile and when she picked them up she noticed a new 'white paint splatter' on the leg. Upon closer inspection she realized that it wasn't the latest trend of paint splatter design on her IT WAS BIRD POOP!! When Kate and I found out later that night we about died laughing!! Some bird flying overhead pooped on Mika's jeans that were hanging out the window on Schmidgasse! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

I guess Frau either didn't see the poop or she thought it was a design on the jeans because she folded them up (with the stain inside...) and set them in Mika's pile. Oh, Frau!

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